Freitag, 7. September 2012

Urology Treatment

Prices for Prostate and other Urology Surgery and Treatment in Germany (Minimum Invasive, Laser and Conventional)

The following prices are presented to give you a clear and (almost) definite idea of the costs you would be facing if you decide to have an operation or other medical treatment done in Germany. They are based on the assumption that there will be no serious complications and that there are no serious risk factors involved (e.g. extreme obesity, underlying other diseases, very old age etc.) that might create additional potentially costly challenges for the German doctors and hospitals. Prices do include our organisational fees, but they do not cover travel expenses, costs for hotels, costs for hiring translators etc. Please note that not all of our German partners will be able to offer these prices, which is why all price quotations should be regarded as "starting from". If you decide to go to one particular hospital, we will have to confirm for you if that prticular hospital is able to perform the required procedure at the quoted price or if it might charge a slightly higher price.

This price list is currently under preparation. Further quotes will be available shortly.

Urodynamic diagnostics: 650 EUR

Vasectomy reversal: from 3500 €

PROSTATECTOMY (Benign Adenoma)
Laser Assisted Prostatectomy (Procedure developed by Prof. Aeikens - greatly reduced risk of incontinence and impotence):6000 Euros
New Green Light Laser (KPT) Minimum Invasive Prostate Surgery for benign prostate adenoma (completely unbloody, can be done in one day as day case, practically no risk of incontinence and impotence, risk of post-op infection greatly reduced): 7000 Euros - for further details about the Green Light

HIFU (High Intensitiy Focused Ultrasound Treatment) - minimum invasive - greatly reduced risk of incontinence and impotence): from 8000 Euros (feasible and accepted for T1 and T2 stadiums of prostate tumours. The prostate should be not heavier than 30 g and not contain major calcifications. For further details about HIFU
Brachytherapy (involving the implant of radioactive pellets in the prostate): from 10000 Euros

1 Kommentar:

  1. You have wonderful knowledge about this topic. We are specializes in Interstitial Cystitis, Urinary Incontinence, Erectile Dysfunction, and Reconstructive Urology.
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